New year isn't all about starting new things

Happy New Year or, Felice anno nuovo as they say in Italy.


There’s something about that stroke of midnight that makes us believe we have a clean fresh slate, It’s a nice feeling…


The wiser we get, the less we seem to buy into the concept of New Year’s resolutions, and yet, there is always a feeling of enthusiasm that we really can make changes in our lives.


In the realms of manifestation, change comes from intentions, those thoughts carry a particular energy, a feeling that inspires great things. 

But what happens when the momentum of those intentions runs dry? Well, I think New Year’s isn’t just about what we want to happen, I think it’s about allowing ourselves to let go.


Let go of the things that didn’t work out, people, plans and expectations, and be open to moving in a direction that supports our highest vibration. 


I  often wish for certain things to happen, but when I watch my thoughts and reactions around that wish, I see that I’m blocking what I truly desire.


We don’t block our dreams intentionally, it’s our subconscious beliefs that keep our dreams at bay. Often we don’t even realise that those beliefs are even present.


An example of this is when I hear clients tell me that no matter how much they try, people are always taking advantage of them. 


I ask a few questions: why did you put so much energy into them in the first place?


Why did you expect them to produce a different result from the one you had?


Very often it comes down to, the need to be recognised, to be loved and respected, to help find validation for their behaviour, and to really on others to provide reason for better self-esteem.


The subconscious thoughts that the client isn’t good enough, that they must behave this way to be of value, feed the conscious mind to pursue an individual until the client gets the response they need. Feeling disappointed that the longed-for response is not achieved, they subconsciously move their (even seek) attention to another who will undoubtedly behave the same way that every other friend, or relationship has in the past.


This pattern of behaviour is often rooted in childhood experiences, where the client may have received mixed messages about their worth or value. This behavioural response can be very destructive, as it can lead to a cycle of disappointment and heartbreak.


The client may constantly be seeking validation from others, but they will never be satisfied because they will never believe that they are truly good enough. 


When we understand what causes destructive behaviour, we can let go of the need to be loved and validated by others. Instead, we can focus (set an intention) on healing ourselves and attracting healthier people into our lives.


So before you consider your resolutions, perhaps there is some worth in noting your thoughts, your needs and what it is that they are fed by from your past and subconscious beliefs.

Sometimes, we are so confused we just can not calm our anxious energy to make the necessary changes.

Stopping, reflecting, and meditating aren’t straightforward things if they aren’t naturally part of our daily routines.


Try asking a fast-paced, action-orientated person to just stop. You’ll be met with objection. Or maybe this is you and you’ve been programmed to never really understand what true stillness is. Carrying that constant belief that if you aren’t doing then you aren’t achieving.


The law of attraction states that energetic vibrations attract other vibrations of the same frequency (like attracts like). So, if you are always wondering why you just can’t catch a break when it comes to chaos, then it might just be that you are attracting more of your current energetic frequency. You aren’t going to be soothed with classical music if you are tuned in the ‘rave fm’


The key to making changes is to include the doing attitude in your wellness practice until you can just ‘be’ without resistance.


What do I mean? Well, if you can’t sit still, don’t! Stand up, and with no intentions for this to be a relevant activity, no goal… move your body.


Don’t look for chores, don’t look to lose weight, or get a cardio session in. Just move, shake, dance, and jump up and down. make noises. Fast, slow, rhythmically or randomly, just keep moving until you need to stop. Then, put your hand over your heart and feel its beat. Notice the speed of your breathing, feel your feet on the ground.


Be immersed in your sensations. For this, contrary to what you’ve been told, is a powerful and simple meditation technique, that teaches you to come back inwards and to the present moment.


This is how you begin your relationship with the universal consciousness, how you let high vibrations flow effortlessly through you, and how you learn to let go to manifest your new life.

Set your day forward with gentle movement and energy balance. Use this above session to move with intention, and connect back with yourself. Make every activity you do, energy efficient and a joy to complete.

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Picture of Anna Hall

Anna Hall

Personal, business and spiritual development coaching, yoga classes and private tuition, wellness consultancy.
Hello, I am Anna the creator of WellbeingWinnie – my dream that grows bigger and more exciting everyday, inspired because of an illness called myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E) which I have had for 25 years.

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