In this podcast, I delve into the topic of yoga sequence plans.

Exploring the opinions surrounding their use in classes. I discuss the benefits of both teaching yoga intuitively based on the moment and following a pre-written yoga sequence plan.

From my personal experience, I emphasise the value of teaching intuitively. Because it allows me to adapt to the needs of my students, creating a more dynamic and engaging experience.

While pre-written yoga sequence plans may not be my preferred method of teaching, I acknowledge their potential as a valuable support tool. Understanding that they provide structure and guidance for new teachers. Furthermore, they often serve as a source of inspiration, or as a tool for financial gain through sales or workshops.


Benefits of a pre-written yoga sequence plan:

  • Structure and guidance: Pre-planned yoga classes provide a structured and guided practice, which can be helpful for beginners or those who prefer to follow a set routine.
  • Variety: With a pre-written yoga sequence plan, you can often offer a variety of different styles and levels of yoga, so you can find a class that’s right for all your students.
  • Accountability: Knowing that you have a yoga sequence plan can help you stay motivated and accountable for your own yoga practice.
  • Community: Pre-planned yoga classes provide an opportunity to connect with other yogis and build a sense of community.

Benefits of Intuitive Yoga Classes

  • Creativity and freedom: Intuitive yoga classes allow you to explore your students and your own practice and move in a way that feels good for both of you.
  • Mindfulness and presence: Intuitive yoga classes encourage you to be mindful of your breath and body sensations, and to stay present in the moment.
  • Personalisation: Intuitive yoga classes can be tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • Connection to self: Intuitive yoga classes can help students connect with your inner wisdom and intuition.


Ultimately, the choice of teaching approach is a personal one. It’s essential for yoga instructors to find a method that aligns with their values and teaching style. Thus ensuring that their energy and authenticity are preserved.

If you appreciated and found this podcast informative, consider listening to another episode that discusses and assists you when dealing with an empty classroom due to students not attending your yoga class.

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YTH Podcast – The Empty Yoga Class

We have two further options that can support your teaching journey

Our Business Bootcamp : how to run a yoga business online course:

Wellbeing Winnie School of Holistic Healing
Business courses

And/or the supporting Ebook literature:

subbing yoga instructors